With the beginning of new academic year, several ragging incident have been reported in Sri Lankan universities. The new academic year was commenced on March,2013 and so far several minor ragging incidents are reported. However the Sri Lankan Higher Education Minister has guaranteed to wipe out ragging from universities this year but still it is prevailing secretly within the university system. Ragging is a verbal, physical or psychological abuse on newcomers to university or any educational institutions. According to the |
wikipedia ,Sri Lanka is said to be its worst affected country in the world. There is no record to prove such an act has prevailed in the ancient Sri Lankan educational institutions such as Mahavihara or Abhayagiri Vihara. It was in the post World War II era, a concept called ragging came into existence. Ragging is not an indigenous phenomenon, but a direct result of the British colonialism in Sri Lanka.[a] Soldiers returning from war re-entered the college and brought with them the technique of ragging learned in military camp. These techniques were used to make individual fail as an individual and succeed as a team. But eventually when lesser number of military persons entered the universities, ragging lost in primary objectives and became a violent and hazardous exercise.

Ragging continues to happen in most of Sri Lankan universities, schools and several private institutions. In majority of the cases, ragging implies that seniors mocking and jesting at freshers. There is a certain period of time, usuallythe first few months in the university, assigned for each and every undergraduate to undergo ragging. This period is known as the ragging period. In Sri Lanka, several types of ragging can be observed.
source - http://www.lankauniversity-news.com/p/sri-lanka-university-ragging.html