His Excellency President Mahinda Rajapaksha

Percy Mahendra "Mahinda" Rajapaksa , conceived 18 November 1945 is the sixth President of Sri Lanka and Commander in Chief of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. A legal advisor by calling, Rajapaksa was initially chosen to the Parliament of Sri Lanka in 1970, and served as Prime Minister from 6 April 2004 until his triumph in the 2005 Presidential decision. He was confirmed for a six-year term as president on 19 November 2005. He was re-chosen for a moment term in office on 27 January 2010. Mahinda Rajapaksa was conceived in Weeraketiya in the southern country region of Hambantota.

He hails from a well known political family in Sri Lanka. His father, D. A. Rajapaksa, was a noticeable government official, autonomy fomenter, Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister of Agriculture and Land in Wijeyananda Dahanayake's legislature.
D.M. Rajapaksa, his uncle, was a State Councilor for Hambantota in the 1930s who began wearing the gritty tan shawl to speak to kurakkan (finger millet) developed by the populace of his zone, whose reason he championed for the duration of his life. It is from his illustration that Rajapaksa wears his trademark shawl.

Rajapaksa was taught at Richmond College in Galle, before moving to Nalanda College Colombo and later Thurstan College, Colombo. He likewise had a couple of cameo parts as a motion picture performing artist in Sinhalese films and functioned as a library right hand at Vidyodaya University.
Emulating the passing of his father in 1967, Rajapaksa assumed control as the SLFP competitor for Beliatta electorate and was chosen to Parliament in 1970 as the most youthful Member of Parliament at only 24.
Later he mulled over law at the Sri Lanka Law College and took pledges as a lawyer at-law in November 1977.throughout his parliamentary profession, aside from the period from 1994–2001 when he was a priest, he proceeded with his law hone in Tangalle.

Losing his parliamentary seat in the avalanche annihilation of the SLFP in 1977,  he was re-chosen in 1989 to Parliament to speak to Hambantota District under Proportional Representation. He became somewhat renowned as a pioneer, together with Manorani Saravanamuttu, of the Mothers Front, which sorted out the moms of the "vanished" in the white dread of 1988–90 actuated by a dissident gathering that called themselves Deshapremi Jathika Vyaparaya or 'Enthusiastic National Movement.

Here is a nice video of President when he acts on a Sinhala teledrama.watch it here